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Veganuary: Food Alternatives Powered by Plants

Veganuary is the perfect time to really start thinking about your health, food habits and how you can become more environmentally friendly. If you aren’t already vegan or veggie, it can be very daunting when faced with the stacked supermarket shelves, where there are so many different brands and options to choose from. Not only is it daunting but it can completely throw you off track. Finding the right food alternatives to slowly start your plant-based journey is hard but we are making this 10x easier as we are going to go through our favourite vegan alternatives to some of our favourite foods.

Starting with our favourite, pasta. Now usually most pasta you find stocked on the supermarket shelves is vegan but if you look deeper into some, you will see that it is egg-based, however, this is really only prominent for freshly made pasta that you can buy in the refrigerator aisle. However, if you are looking for a new way to get your source of protein, you should consider trying ZENB yellow pea pasta.

This alternative by ZENB is not only high in protein but is also gluten-free, a source of iron, potassium and is high in phosphorus. ZENB pasta is derived from yellow peas which are enriched full of nutrients that you need for a healthy, balanced diet and are easily used as a replacement for normal pasta preferences. With 3 different pasta varieties including Macaroni, Fusilli and Penne, you will be able to easily switch out your usual wheat pasta for this amazing pasta, fuelled by plants. A great substitute for someone with diabetes as yellow pea flour is full of that much-needed fibre, that can help manage spikes in your blood sugar but also a great way to start trying vegan alternatives. To find out some delicious recipes to try out with ZENB products, click here to head over to their website.

But what about meat alternatives? Over the last few years, it has become much easier to find a substitute for meats like beef and pork on our shelves and we get to see a lot of new brands with their plant-based products. The brand, Beyond Meat who have done a ton of research to not only make the tastiest replacements but also to target the global problem of natural resources being constrained. They not only care about the food we eat but it is also about making the world more environmentally friendly.

Cows produce a ton of methane from their dung and not only does the supply chain create so many co2 emissions but they also overlook the animals that are in their care. That’s why both of these beef alternatives are a great way to kickstart your plant-based journey this Veganuary. Not only do the Beyond Burger plant-based patties cook like beef but it also looks and has the same juicy, texture, just like the real thing.

The Beyond Meatballs ‘Italian Style’ is also a great alternative for those who love a spaghetti dish. Powered by pea protein like the mince but also contains those much-needed herbs and spices that you would get in your stereotypical meatball dish. It contains no GMO’s, gluten or soy and is completely plant-based using pea proteins so that you can indulge knowing that your carbon footprint is reduced. These meatballs are great because not only do they taste good but they can also be pan-fried or put in the oven, just like normal meatballs.

Now, we all know that coffee is vegan, derived from the coffee plant but there is so much more than knowing it is made from a plant, making sure that your coffee bean is farmed by people with safe working conditions and that it is ethnically sourced. That is why it is extremely important to make sure that when buying products, you check for the Fairtrade, Organic or Rainforest Alliance logo on the packaging.

Jimmy’s Iced Coffee with Oat Milk RRP £1.50

Jimmy’s Iced Coffee is a perfect alternative for those who like to go dairy-free. Jimmy’s pride themselves in knowing that their coffee is ethically sourced and their farmers are provided with fair paying wages. This iced coffee with oat by Jimmy’s is an amazing alternative for vegans or veggies. Oat Milk has a very similar taste to normal milk with a richer, thicker consistency and a slightly sweeter taste. If you are a bit daunted by switching over your milk, then this alternative would be a great way to experiment this Veganuary.

With most chocolates having a high sugar level from artificial sugars, many people face the struggle of finding a low sugar, vegan-friendly chocolate alternative. Alike coffee, chocolate is also vegan as it is derived from the cacao plant but it is all about how it is derived and the ethics and values behind the company.

Pure Heavenly Chocolate was first brought to the market when Stephen noticed after suffering from fatigue, weight issues and depression, he didn’t want his two daughters to go through the same struggle. That is why he decided to start his research into healthier chocolate options and when he was faced with products that he wasn’t sure of, he started his journey into finding a lower sugar, delicious, eco-friendly alternative.

Pure Heavenly Chocolate Mixed Taster Bars (16 x 30g) RRP £19.95

Pure Heavenly chocolate bars are all under 2% sugar and are a perfect replacement for chocolate for those looking to lose weight or are simply trying to cut back on those artificial sugars. Using ethically sourced ingredients, they have created a low sugar, gluten-free, soy-free, lactose-free chocolate, that is not only good for you and your health but is also good for the environment around you. Using rice cream instead of cows milk, these bitesize bars give you a taste of the world of vegan foods. Not only are they delicious but Pure Heavenly primarily use natural sweeteners like Inulin and Erythritol, unlike big named competitors in the market so you know that the tastiness of the chocolate is good for your body also.

Cutting down on snacking can be hard and especially in the UK, we love crisps (or chips if you’re in the US.) There are loads and loads of different crisps on the market and surprisingly most of them are vegan! However, finding crisps that are good for your body and mind is something, we as a nation, should start doing.

Hippeas are a plant-based crisp alternative. Being a naturally higher source of protein and containing no artificial ingredients, Hippeas are a great buy to consider. Powered by chickpeas, their crisp puffs contain 3.5g of protein in each bag of crisps and their tortilla crisp contains double the amount! And not only that but the chickpea plant itself naturally releases nitrogen back into the world, making it a lot more sustainable for the planet. Not only are there fewer artificial ingredients but Hippeas puffs are less than 91 calories in a pack. Powered by plants but are super tasty; With a huge range of different flavours, we are certain you’ll find your favourite.

Switching out your favourites with alternatives is proven to be really hard and finding the right ones can be even harder. With amazing products, fuelled by plants, from Pure Heavenly to ZenB, we hope we have made it easier for you to find something you’d like to switch out this Veganuary. And even if you are not taking part in Veganuary, trying something new could be life-changing.

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