Home workout is around for decades but during the unexpected 2020, and as the whole world spent more time in their houses, home exercising became more popular as we wanted to fulfil our desire for movement, activity and to take care of one of the most important parts of ourselves, our body.
However, home exercising is here to stay as it becomes more popular than ever. On that note, these are the 5 easy exercises for body workout to keep yourself in shape under any unexpected circumstance. So, grab your bottle of water and let’s get started.
1. Squats
By doing squats we train some of the largest muscles in our body which are the gluteus, hamstrings, and quads. Also, as by the rapid body movement we burn a substantial amount of calories.
Step 1: Stand straight and make sure to keep your feet at the same width as with your shoulders. Place your arms in a comfortable position in front of you or you can even get some weight to make the exercise more challenging.
Step 2: Push your hips backwards and your chest forwards
Step 3: Drop down until your thighs are parallel to the ground and.. WAIT for two seconds. Then you can go back to your standing position again.
Repeat the 10 times for 4 sets
2. Lunges
As you warmed up with the squat exercise and you start feeling the notion of “No Pain No Gain” now it is time to put a bit more pressure on the legs and practice your balance skills as well.
Step 1: Starting by standing up, have your feet at the shoulders’ width.
Step 2: Make a step forward with your left leg, then bend your knee and make sure that the angle of the leg reaches around 90 degrees.
Step 3: Go back to the standing position and repeat with the right leg.
Repeat the 10 times for 4 sets
3. Single leg Romanian deadlift
That’s the final exercise for legs, I promise. With that exercise you will practice and challenge your balance again, but mainly you will train your glutes and hamstrings.

Step 1: Start in standing pose and have your feet at the shoulders’ width and slightly bended knees for greater balance.
Step 2: Lean your body at the front and lift your right leg straight behind you, so your body comes to a horizontal position.
Step 3: Wait for a second, and slowly bring your body to the standing position squeezing your glutes.
Repeat the 12 times for 3 sets, then it is the turn for the left leg.
4. Push-Ups
I believe you had enough of the leg exercises, now let’s move on to the upper body. This exercise is one of the most common and effective exercises of body weight workout. With this exercise you mainly train the biceps and chest.
Step 1: Make your body parallel to the ground, keep your elbows slightly bent and extend your legs backwards to have complete balance.
Step 2: Lower your body by bending your elbows so you nearly reach the ground
Step 3: Return to the first position by extending your elbows
For this exercise you can start with 8 reps for 4 sets.
5. Dips
Finishing up with biceps and chest, the next parts of the arms which they must be trained are the triceps. To do this exercise you can use a chair, but do not sit on it just yet.

Step 1: Hold the chair by placing your hands beside your hips.
Step 2: Extend your legs at the front and by bending your elbows lower your body close to the floor.
Step 3: Push yourself upwards until you reach full extension of your arms.
Repeat 8 – 10 times for 4 sets
Now that you have finished these exercises, it is time to relax. You can adjust the sets, reps and even use some weight while you are doing the exercises so you can make it more challenging for you.