Lifestyle Society

The UK’s most Vegan cities revealed

With Veganuary in full swing, it is interesting to see which parts of the country are taking part most. A vegan meal subscription company, Vibrant Vegan, has revealed the cities that are home to the most vegans in the UK, based on internal sales data and the number of restaurants and takeaways that supply plant-based food in a given area. The company analysed publicly available data from TripAdvisor and Just-Eat, as well as internal sales data to determine which towns and cities have the highest demand for vegan food. Further data shows that the searches for vegan food peaks during January, which shows many people are taking part in the pledge.

The 10 cities that are home to the most vegans are as follows:

  1. London
  2. Manchester
  3. Oxford
  4. Birmingham
  5. Bath
  6. Brighton
  7. Liverpool
  8. Glasgow
  9. Leeds
  10. Bristol

Interest in vegan diets and food sources has peaked every January in the last three years, according to Google Trends data. In 2019, the number of searches for vegan diets in January was double the number in January 2017, showing that veganism is a growing trend. Veganuary now receives 10 times more search interest than it did in 2014 when the organisation began, from data found on The Vegan Society. According to national statistics, in 2019 there were approximately 600,000 vegans in the UK, this number has quadrupled between 2014 and 2019.

Vibrant Vegan Co. is a sustainable vegan food company that sells healthy one-pot meals and soups online and at retailers around the UK. Founded by Iain Burke-Hamilton, the founder of The Soulful Food Company, the plant-based brand is aimed at socially-conscious consumers looking for convenient vegan food.

Iain Burke-Hamilton, the founder of Vibrant Vegan, said “Veganism has been rapidly growing in popularity over the last few years and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down any time soon. Brits are becoming more socially conscious and aware of what they are consuming and as such the need for vegan food and meat/dairy alternatives on our shelves is higher than ever before.

“Delving into the data it wasn’t overly surprising to discover that London is home to the most vegans, it’s diverse and extensive vegan offering makes going plant-based very easy for inhabitants. We hope Brits continue to explore veganism and the flexitarian trend because the benefits of incorporating more vegan foods to both a person’s health and the environment is huge.”

So if you have not already, join over half a million people partaking in Veganuary. Encourage your family and friends to get involved too, hopefully, you can make a change in your area and we can ensure every city in the UK is a place of veganism.

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